How can you keep your house clean with little time and effort?
It amazes me sometimes how fast my home can get messy!
It doesn’t matter how much you clean, mess will always find you! It can be mail cluttering up your table, laundry piled high, a sink full of dishes, messy bathroom counters, and mirrors. Does any of this sound familiar to you?
It is so easy to tell myself that I can do it tomorrow. Then tomorrow turns into the weekend, the weekend turns into next week, you get where I am going with this, right? I have finally figured out how to keep my house clean without spending a ton of time cleaning.
As someone who loves routine and is absolutely a creature of habit, I can tell you that having a cleaning routine is a must and will keep you on track. I have created a cleaning routine for my home and with it I save a lot of time.
I have a handy cleaning checklist for you with 7 steps to keep your house clean all
7 Things To Do To Have A Clean House ALWAYS!!
- Wash Your Dishes Every Night.
This may seem like a daunting task, but it only takes a few minutes and makes for a great start to your day and cleaning routine. One less thing, I like to say!!
As your day goes on, dishes tend to pile up in the sink and before you know it, you have a messy kitchen. Throughout the day, as you use dishes, take the time and load them into your dishwasher. If you handwash, (which is what I do) wash them as you can and put them away. Do what works for you and your family.
After dinner, start your dishwasher or hand wash your dishes. In the morning, go ahead and put them away. And there you have it, one step done! This is a good habit to have and helps start your day a little on the easier side.
2. Make Your Bed!
This one is important to me and is a must!! (This is also a step I included in my morning routine checklist) It may seem insignificant but this not only gives your house and bedroom that put together look but it gives me an instant jolt of motivation. It’s as important to me as my morning cup of coffee.
3. Sweep/ Vacuum Floors
Now depending on your house size this step will also only take a few minutes. I always start my day with a quick sweep, I vacuum any carpeted areas and will occasionally run my dust mop across the non carpeted floors. Who doesn’t love the vacuum lines in carpet?
4. Do One Load of Laundry.
This step may not apply to everyone. Even for my house, with just a family of 3, I don’t always have laundry. I like to wash on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. That is what works for me, in your house you may have large piles of laundry, in this case, do one load a day. If you take the time to start a load in the morning and pop it in the dryer when you’re done, you will only have one load to fold and your weekend will be laundry free!! Yay!!
Cleaning is not about perfection, it’s about progress.
5. Don’t Let Clutter Happen!
Where is the collect all in your house? Your counter, kitchen table? Why is it so easy to let it pile up and create a mess? Mail can pile up, bills, kids’ papers, etc….. Take a little time and sort sort sort! Junk mail can be shredded or thrown away. I have a paper organizer that I keep in our home office where I will put our bills, when they come in I will open them and write the due date and amount on the envelope and put them in the organizer in the order that they are due. It is so easy to let them pile up and not know what is due or maybe even miss a payment. Ouch, not good. Make sure to organize your paper clutter.
6. Disinfect and Wipe Counters.
Using your favorite cleaner or wipes, take a few minutes and wipe down your counters. After breakfast, lunch or whatever has happened throughout the day will end up on your counters. Doing this will keep them clean and germ free!!
7. Clean and Tidy One Room a Day.
Choose one room a day and clean it. So for instance what I do is let’s say it’s Monday, (with my cleaning method/routine I don’t clean on the weekends) I will clean my bathrooms, I have only 2 but with my bathroom cleaning checklist, I will get these rooms done and thoroughly and doesn’t take as long as you would think. On Tuesday I would do my kitchen, again using my kitchen cleaning checklist I will get my kitchen cleaned, sparkling clean. So I am sure you are getting it now. I combine my 2 bathrooms (which are small) and with the other rooms I have a total of 7 rooms. Once all 7 are done, I start over. Trust me it may sound like a lot of work or time but if you break it up like this your house will always be clean! It’s an amazing feeling!! And coming soon, my clean house checklist, broke down into rooms and daily chores.
Ready To Give It A Try?
I am hoping that my cleaning routine will help you to get your house clean with minimal time and effort. Take it in baby steps. Until you get into a routine, start with one a day for a week. Each week add in another until you’ve got the method down! You got this!!
Don’t forget to download my handy cleaning checklist: Download Here