Has anyone ever told you that the way you start your day will set the tone for the rest of your day?

I know it can be annoying to be around morning people, so I might as well tell you now.. I am a morning person! I love the mornings and as I get older I enjoy getting up early. It’s not always easy and some days it’s hard to get going, but getting your day off on the right foot is absolutely possible and with the right mindset, you will be off to a great start!
Instead of dreading the morning, I want you to look at it as a brand-new start. Every day is a new beginning! Wow, do I sound like a motivational speaker?! Seriously though I have some bad news, if you love snooze, you are going to have to give it up. Once your morning alarm goes off, your feet have to hit the floor!
“Absolutely, I think every day is a new day, every day is a new opportunity, and every day is a new chance.”
-Jennifer Winget
A few years back when my daughter was in elementary school we would walk to the bus stop together in the morning. There was another little girl and her mom there as well. The mom was there in her slippers and pjs. She asked me one morning how I was always so put together. I 100% owe it to my morning routine. Without it, I’d be in my pjs at the bus stop.
Building a new morning routine definitely makes a difference in your attitude. Instead of being a zombie, possibly filled with negative thoughts, you will feel refreshed and alive. This is how we become motivated.
At the bottom of this post I have included a link for a handy morning routine checklist!

1. Get as much sleep as possible
So first and foremost and this may not be easy for some, you have to try to get as much sleep as possible. For myself, I like to get at least 7 hours and that works for me. As a creature of habit and one who loves routine, I tend to go to bed between 9 and 10 every night. Having a bedtime routine is good for the grown-ups too, who knew?? As the night rolls around start thinking of winding down. If you have little ones put them to bed before you (if possible), no caffeine is a must!! Everyone is different but for me, I watch TV (True Crime, usually), it helps me to wind down. Besides the TV we only have a little lamp on. Around 9ish, I have a hard time keeping my eyes open, and that’s when I start thinking of crawling into bed.
2. Set your clothes out the night before.
This step was always something I had my daughter do. It seems like an easy one to skip but when I get up in the morning and my clothes are there and ready to go, its huge and a time saver! So if you can and if you don’t already do this one, give it a try!3.
3. Get up before everyone else.
Again what works for me may not work for you. Since my daughter started school I have always got up before her and my husband. It gives me a chance to get myself dressed, for me that is when I will apply my make-up and do my hair. Even for me, it isn’t always possible and on the weekends I give myself a break and get up naturally. It’s funny but on the weekends I am nowhere near as productive and totally believe it is because I don’t get up before everyone else. On those days I give myself grace. As you should too. We are not perfect and can only do what’s best for us. So remember that when starting a new routine.
4. Open all the curtains.
After I have gotten dressed, the first thing I like to do is open all the curtains in the house and let the morning light in. It gives off a natural energized feeling. That one is sweet and simple
5. Make your bed.
Another simple tip for your morning, make your bed! Seems simple but I know people who will skip this step. Again on the weekends, I don’t do this, I make my bed much later in the morning after we’ve been up, and on those days my productivity is low.
6. Have breakfast.
Remember when I said I am a creature of habit and love routines? I eat an onion bagel with cream cheese every weekday morning. Every day for I can’t even tell you how many years. My husband and daughter think I am silly, but something I must do every day. That and coffee. In the winter months when it’s cooler outside (not very long for us here in southern Az), I have a hot cup of coffee. In the summer months, I can’t drink a hot drink and that’s when I drink iced coffee (in another post I will share with you how I make my iced coffee, it’s beyond yummy and also makes a great afternoon pick-me-up) So you do you and have whatever it is that will help fuel you and start your day!!
7. Make a to-do list.
If you know me you know I love lists. Lists motivate me and keep me accountable. I will make a list of the goals I want to accomplish that particular day. For me, it could be cleaning a room in the house, doing laundry, raking outside, etc…..
8. Have a little “Me” time.
This is a nice option you can absolutely customize. I like to do this while I sip my coffee and eat my bagel. I will read my Bible, check my email, or simply scroll on Pinterest. It’s usually just a few minutes but is a nice reset before the day begins.
And that’s it, 8 steps to a better, more productive day! What is your morning routine? Do we have any similarities? Let me know, maybe you have something I can add to mine!!
Download My Morning Routine Checklist Here: Morning Routine Checklist